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物业建筑物的状况、整体设计和结构要素. 还进行文件审查,以审查以前和计划的资本支出. Nova的物业状况需求评估(PCNA)符合HUD MAP/LEAN指南,并提供了关于场地和建筑改进的条件和充分性的完整叙述, including the required forms and information. Items such as maintenance, an estimate of immediate costs (Life Safety/ADA and Non-Critical), annual replacement reserves in the CNA e-Tool, comments on the building’s conformance with un-finished work, ADA accessibility, FHA, and UFAS/504 compliance are inclusive. Nova’s Phase I
环境现场评估(esa)也符合HUD MAP/LEAN指南. 进行环境评估是为了确定现场活动可能涉及的环境问题, off-site activities, and compliance with federal, state, 和地方机构,这些机构也包括在HUD环境审查在线系统(HEROS)中.

Nova's Expertise

Nova的团队成员拥有丰富的执行和管理高质量的经验, thorough, and timely reports. 我们的员工包括注册建筑师、专业工程师和施工专家. Nova的PCNA员工对设施操作系统有深刻的理解, MEP systems, architectural finishes, structural systems, life safety systems, and ADA accessibility compliance. Nova’s ESA employees are trained in facility operating systems, federal, local, and state regulatory requirements, and transport of chemicals through air, soil, soil vapor, surface water, and groundwater. Additionally, Nova may consult with staff located nationwide when needed, who are specialists and leaders in their field.

What sets us apart?

Nova Etool Converter Assistant (NECA) Tables

Nova’s proprietary software, NECA Tables, 的内部创建,以协助我们的客户和内部员工的关键, Non-Critical, and Reserve for Replacement (R4R) table creation and modification. NECA表给Nova和他们的合作伙伴更多的控制组件表将如何交付给HUD. These tables are outside of HUD’s
purview. The NECA Tables seamlessly integrate with HUD’s CNA e-Tool 3.0 system creating a streamlined process for submissions. 修改时间现在大大减少使用我们的独家,新的NECA表.

我们的NECA表格还与HUD的金融因素工具(FFT) (R4R)合规性相结合,以帮助贷款人确定其20年内的初始和持续年度存款. By incorporating the FFT, 贷款机构有更大的控制权,有能力调整几个关键因素, thereby dramatically streamlining the underwriting process.

Priority Access for High Volume Clients

  • Dedicated staff for revisions after draft issuance.

  • Customized templates for quicker delivery/turnaround time.

  • 为您的客户提供专门的高级经理和项目经理(评估员)(您将与相同的人员就您的客户中的任何交易进行交谈).

  • 专门的定价允许加速您的交易从起源到现场访问日期.

Nova's Streamlined Process

  • Documentation checklist is provided to the client prior to engagement.

  • Site visits dates are requested within 5-business days of engagement.

  • 在报告交付日期前持续检查文件,包括与客户和物业人员明确沟通渠道.

  • Delivery of Draft Reports within 30 days of site visit.


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HUD MAP/LEAN Property Condition Needs Assessments (PCNAs)


HUD MAP/LEAN Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)

Capital Needs Assessments (CNAs) - Online 3.0 System

HEROS (HUD Environmental Review Online System

ANSI-AARST MAMF-2017 Radon Testing

HUD Compliant Baseline & Comprehensive Asbestos Testing and O&M Plans

HUD Compliant Lead-Based Paint Risk Assesments and O&M Plans


Archeology, Wetlands, and FEMA Studies (5-Step & 8-Step Processes

HUD Intrusive Testing (Electrical & Sewer)

SEDI, Energy Benchmarking, ASHRAE Level I, II, & III Audits, and NGBS Certification 

NECA Tables (15 and 20 years)


  • Radon Testing: 新的MAP指南要求对100%的底层单位和10%的上层单位进行测试. Testing is required in all three radon zones.

  • Asbestos Testing: Now required for all buildings constructed prior to 1989.

  • Energy: In chapter 6 of the updated MAP Guide, 现有建筑的“能源之星®”已基本从第223(f)条和第223(a)(7)条项目的批准认证列表中删除,除非作为证明持续性能的手段. There will be a two-year grace period allowing properties less than three years old to use ENERGY STAR Existing Building certification; however, the ENERGY STAR score will need to be a 90 or above. Owners can select one
    of the other approved certification programs, 如家居创新研究实验室提供的国家绿色建筑标准(NGBS). NGBS铜级认证要求节能15%,并且通常可以通过规定措施实现节水. 需要进行2级或3级能源审计,并进行持续的基准测试.

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HUD Energy

Energy Audits Level I, II, and II

ENERGY STAR® Certification 

ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® Benchmarking

HUD Custom SEDI and SEP Reports

Energy Audits to comply with:

RAD PCA Parts 2 and 3

Green Physical Needs Assessment

MAP/MIP Energy Audits

Nova meets the definition of Energy Professional as outlined by HUD.


Nova provides the following for HUD MAP loans:

  1. ENERGY STAR®Portfolio Manager®能源设计意图声明(SEDI)用于新建建筑/肠道修复或能源性能声明(SEP)用于现有建筑.

  2. 能源之星评分低于60分的所有重大康复项目的ASHRAE II级能源审计.

  3. 能源之星®验证访问和申请提交现有建筑达到75分或更高.

GPNA Requirements for PHAs

住房和城市发展部要求超过五年的房产完成能源审计. Additionally, 每间公屋委员会(房委会)必须最少每五年进行一次能源审计. 能源审计必须确定水和能源节约措施以及由此产生的成本节约. 措施将作为成本预测的备选项目输入HUD的CNA电子工具,并计算每个考虑的节能措施(ECM)的简单回报。.

The energy audit must include the following:

  1. An analysis of utility bills.

  2. An energy walk-through survey to assess ECMs related to building envelope; heating, cooling, and other mechanical systems; water conservation; power; lighting systems; and controls and appliances.

  3. 审查现有的建筑平面图、规格和操作数据.

  4. Interviews with property and maintenance personnel and residents. 

RAD PCA Parts 2 and 3:


Part 2: Energy Audit

能源审计必须符合ASHRAE商业建筑能源审计程序(2011)II级指南. The audit evaluates how energy and water is used at the
物业和文件的节水和节能改进的物业, the cost of the improvements, and simple financial payback. 在CNA电子工具中交替输入节能和节水措施.


Part 3: Utility Consumption Baseline

公用事业消耗基线评估该物业的所有公用事业使用数据, both tenant and owner-paid and including all common areas, for a full 12-month period. A

All HUD energy audits require the following:

  • Inspection of 25% of apartments and 100% of vacant apartments

  • Inspection of all common areas and shared mechanical systems

  • Review of building plans and operational data

  • Interviews with key site personnel

For benchmarking, RAD PART 3, and energy audits:

The client must provide whole-property usage data, if available, or a minimum of 100% owner-paid usage and 25% apartment usage. 对于能源之星®认证,需要100%的全物业数据,包括所有租户区域.

Contact Us. 

Kristin Tate | VP, HUD Program Manager | Email | Direct: 281-622-4664, Cell: 832-401-8321

Ask Us.

Nova Group, GBC (Nova)是一家国际咨询公司,在风险评估领域提供创新的环境和工程服务, investigation, management, compliance and corrective action activities.

Call: +1 855-440-9393

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Using Business as
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